Primers are described in Supplementary file 3

Primers are described in Supplementary file 3. KPT-330 partially co-localizing at binding sites of OLIG2, a key activator of motor neuron differentiation. Surprisingly, in this neuronal context TAF9B becomes preferentially associated with PCAF rather than the canonical TFIID complex. Analysis of dissected spinal column from KO mice confirmed that TAF9B also regulates neuronal gene transcription in vivo. Our findings suggest that alternative core promoter complexes may provide a key mechanism to lock in and maintain specific transcriptional programs in terminally differentiated cell types. DOI: a group of five TAF paralogs (No hitter/TAF4; Cannonball/TAF5; Meiois I arrest/TAF6; Spermatocyte arrest/TAF8; and Ryan express/TAF12) all play specific roles in spermatogenesis (Hiller et al., 2004; Chen et al., 2005). Similarly, another orphan TAF, TAF7L, cooperates with TBP-related factor 2 (TRF2) to regulate spermatogenesis in mice (Cheng et al., 2007; Zhou et al., 2013a). Tissue-specific functions of TAF7L were also found in adipocytes where it acts in conjunction with PPAR to control the transcription necessary for adipogenesis (Zhou et al., 2013b). In mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells, TAF3 pairs up with CTCF to drive the expression of endoderm specific genes while in myoblasts TAF3 works with TRF3 in the differentiation of myotubes (Deato and Tjian, 2007; Liu et al., 2011). Collectively these experiments suggest that combinations of different subunits of the multi-protein core promoter factors can be enlisted to participate in gene- and tissue-specific regulatory functions. Thus, mouse ES cells and other progenitor cells very likely have quite different requirements for such factors compared to terminally differentiated mature cell-types. Dissecting the various diversified mechanisms that control gene transcription in terminally differentiated cells should contribute to our still rudimentary understanding of the gene regulatory processes that modulate homeostasis in somatic cells and those that could lead to degeneration of adult tissue in disease states. A more detailed analysis of these critical molecular mechanisms may also help improve new strategies to achieve efficient cellular reprogramming and stem cell differentiation. Despite emerging evidence for unexpected activities carried out by core promoter factors in various cellular differentiation pathways, little was known about their potential involvement in the formation of neurons during embryogenesis. In this study we explore whether TAFs or other core promoter recognition factors become engaged in neuronal specific functions to regulate the expression of neuronal genes. To address this question we used an in vitro differentiation protocol to induce murine ES cells to form spinal cord motor neurons (MN), which control muscle movement. Loss KPT-330 of motor neurons gives rise to devastating diseases, including amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) (reviewed by Robberecht and Philips, 2013). Consequently, motor neurons have KPT-330 been the focus of intense study and several key classical sequence-specific DNA-binding transcription factors regulating the expression of motor neuron-specific genes have been identified (reviewed by di Sanguinetto et al., 2008; Kanning et al., 2010). However, there was scant information regarding the role, if any, of core promoter factors in directing the network of gene transcription necessary to form neurons. In this report, we have combined genomics, biochemical assays, and gene knockout strategies to dissect the transcriptional mechanism used to generate motor neurons from murine ES cells in vitro as well as to uncover novel in vivo neuronal-specific changes in core promoter factor involvement and previously undetected co-activator functions. Results TAF9B is up-regulated upon neuronal differentiation To examine whether the expression of various components of the core promoter recognition complex changes upon neuronal differentiation, we induced ES cells to form motor neurons using retinoic acid (RA) and the smoothened agonist SAG as described previously (Wichterle et al., 2002). We confirmed the generation of motor neurons in embryoid bodies (EBs) by immunostaining for motor neuron-specific markers LHX3 and ISL1/2 (Figure 1A) as well as by RNA-seq analysis (Figure 1figure supplement 1A). To obtain enriched populations of motor neurons, we differentiated a murine ES cell line containing a motor neuron-specific promoter (but not the progenitor cell markers and (Figure 1figure supplement 1C). We next dissected spinal cord tissue from newborn mice and performed RNA-seq to measure in vivo expression levels and compare them to those observed for mouse ES cells in culture. As expected, most subunits of TFIID in newborn spinal cord are expressed at lower levels than in mouse ES cells, while is up-regulated more than 10-fold, consistent with the results obtained with the in vitro differentiated motor neurons (Figure 1E). Notably, changes in the expression levels of in newborn spinal cord are more pronounced than what we observed for the in vitro differentiated motor neurons. We also found that many components of the PIC and selected co-activators were down-regulated upon neuronal differentiation (Figure 1figure supplement 1D and 1E). These results strongly suggest that induction of TAF9B upon Mouse monoclonal to MAPK10 neuronal differentiation is.

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