p = 0

p = 0.0768, KolmogorovCSmirnov test. images. elife-74538-fig3-figsupp1-data1.pdf (3.8M) GUID:?76CC8356-1909-438D-97B8-AA4A9476338A Physique 4source data 1: Raw uncropped immunoblot images from Physique 4B (Physique 4B_FHIP1B.scn C anti-FHIP1B; Physique 4B_Actin.scn C anti–actin; Physique 4B_FHIP2A.scnC anti-FHIP2A) probed with the indicated antibodies. Relevant lanes are marked on the images. elife-74538-fig4-data1.pdf (4.3M) GUID:?9AAC6FD4-43E5-41C4-A219-F9F4B7949EF6 Physique 4figure supplement 1source data 1: Raw uncropped immunoblot images from Physique 4figure supplement 1A. (A) Raw uncropped immunoblot images from Physique 4figure supplement 1A (Fig4supp1A_Hook1.scn C anti-Hook1; Fig4supp1A_Hook3.scn C anti-Hook3; Fig4supp1A_Hook2.scn C anti-Hook2; Fig4supp1A_Actin.scn C anti–actin) probed with the indicated antibodies. Relevant lanes are marked on the images. (B) Raw uncropped immunoblot JNJ 303 images from Physique 4figure supplement 1B (Fig4supp1B_V5_high.scn C anti-V5; Fig4supp1B_FHIP1B_FHIP2A_high.scn C anti-FHIP1B, left side of the image and anti-FHIP2A, right side of the image; Fig4supp1B_Actin_V5_low.scn C anti-V5, left side of the image and anti–actin, right side of the image; Fig4supp1B_FHIP2A_low.scn C anti-FHIP2A; Fig4supp1B_FHIP1B_low.scn C anti-FHIP1B) probed with the indicated antibodies. Relevant lanes are marked on the images with numbers 1C5 as outlined in the schematic. elife-74538-fig4-figsupp1-data1.pdf (10M) GUID:?760A8331-E94B-4B94-9BA3-8F85EC7870CE Physique 5source data 1: (F) Raw uncropped sodium JNJ 303 dodecyl sulfateCpolyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDSCPAGE) gel image from Physique 5F (Fig5F.scn) Relevant lanes are marked around the images. (G) Raw uncropped immunoblot images from Physique 5G (Fig5G_FHIP1Binput.scn C anti-FHIP1B; Fig5G_FHIP1BIP.scn C anti-FHIP1B; Fig5G_GFP.scn C anti-GFP) probed with the indicated antibodies. Relevant lanes are marked on the images. Red lines outline the parts of the image used for figures. elife-74538-fig5-data1.pdf (5.0M) GUID:?B2568507-1B28-4C09-8710-1281417754E2 Physique 6figure supplement 3source data 1: (A) Raw uncropped immunoblot images from Physique 6figure supplement 3A (Fig6supp3A_FHIP1B.scn C anti-FHIP1B; Fig6supp3A_GFP.scnC anti-GFP) probed with the indicated antibodies. Relevant lanes are marked on the images. (B) Raw uncropped immunoblot images from Physique 6figure supplement 3B (Fig5G_FHIP1BIP.scn C anti-FHIP2A; Fig5G_GFP.scn C anti-GFP) probed with the indicated antibodies. Relevant lanes are marked on the images. Red lines outline the parts of the image used for figures. elife-74538-fig6-figsupp3-data1.pdf (4.7M) GUID:?B230AAC9-ED79-4924-A0DF-04AAECFE50F9 Supplementary file 1: BioID2 mass spectrometry datasets. All BioID2 mass spectrometry data referenced in the manuscript in Physique 1C, Physique 1figure supplement 1B, C, Figures 2A, ?,5A5A and ?and6A,6A, and Physique 6figure supplement 1A. The first five tabs correspond to the FHIP1A, FHIP1B, FHIP2A, FHIP2B, and Hook2 carboxy-terminal BioID2 datasets from JNJ 303 this study. The sixth and seventh tabs are the Hook1 and Hook3 carboxy-terminal datasets from Redwine et al., 2017 for comparison. elife-74538-supp1.xlsx JNJ 303 (3.3M) GUID:?0DA4ECC4-5F77-4573-A824-E64411B78ABD Supplementary file 2: Gene ontology (GO) analysis for FHIP BioID2 datasets. The results of GO searches using GOrilla (Eden et al., 2009; Eden et al., 2007). Enriched GO terms were identified by using the database and by comparing two unranked lists of genes, using any significant Rabbit polyclonal to ANTXR1 hits in each dataset as the Target set and any nonsignificant hits in the same dataset as the Background set and searching for GO terms for process, function, and component. Standard search parameters (p value threshold of 10?3) were used. Each tab corresponds to the component, function, or process search results for one FHIP carboxy-terminal dataset. elife-74538-supp2.xlsx (47K) GUID:?259A6C2C-64CC-41A2-BF8B-687A0FB5AD1D Supplementary file 3: Comparison between the different FHIP and Hook BioID2 mass spectrometry datasets. The first tab corresponds to the comparison between FHIP1A, FHIP1B, FHIP2A, and FHIP2B carboxy-terminal BioID2 datasets shown in a Venn diagram in Physique 1figure supplement 1B. The following four tabs correspond to the comparison between individual FHIP carboxy-terminal BioID2 datasets with Hook carboxy-terminal BioID2 datasets shown in Physique 1figure supplement 2. The Hook1 and Hook3 carboxy-terminal datasets are from Redwine et al., 2017. elife-74538-supp3.xlsx JNJ 303 (31K) GUID:?9ABAE0A9-0161-4FB7-8D5B-EC281807B295 Transparent reporting form. elife-74538-transrepform1.pdf (335K) GUID:?C7C3C4D8-1830-4456-89F7-F0922F8A4090 Data Availability StatementSupplementary files 1-3 contain all.

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